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About Reid’s business coaching… Since I missed his workshop at my own conference (Sex Down South), Reid was sweet enough to do a condensed version and catered it, just to me. As he asked me questions, my inner flame lit up with the thoughts of my passion and how I can give my gifts of sexual education to the world. From this realization, Reid was able to give me amazing and practical advice to digitize my curriculum to create a more profitable platform. I've gone to many business classes, read a ton of business books, and I'm always looking for ways to enhance my craft. Reid was able to pull out what I needed in all of an hour! I will definitely be looking to him in the future; to not only keep me accountable, but help me bolster new and fruitful ways of fostering my passion and building on my income.
Marla Renee Stewart, MA
I already followed an 'Abundant Passionpreneur,' paid double the price of your virtual sex geek camp (and way less helpful), but it's only here that I really feel like I can do this. This really showed me how it's not only about the content, but also about making it do-able and setting the participants up for success. At least as important, I'd say. The "let's do this in small steps" gets my creativity flowing. Before the corona lockdown, I had no clue how I can create online things with the embodied practices I'm teaching in my live classes - now I am suddenly clearly seeing these subjects that I can really talk about for hours and how that can serve others too. (Accepting my geekinees/nerdiness).
Lore Blancke, Belgium
I cannot be more thankful for the networking I did at Sex Geek Summer Camp. The spectacular Sex Geeks I met from so many different parts of the sex ed industry opened up speaking opportunities, couch surfing offers, collaborations, personal enrichment, and friendships that I hold dearly. The people I met at Sex Geek Summer Camp were the biggest reward I got from attending and why I returned a second year.
Michael Guichet, LMFT
Reid gave two of the best workshops that I have every organized or attended at The Smitten Kitten. The content of both was detailed and nuanced without being overly dry or clinical and he easily integrated floor-stomping humor with serious information. The audience was engaged and eager to participate–they even enjoyed communicating with one another. The general feeling throughout the entire workshop was that of safety and respect; Reid had a clear awareness of how to create and maintain an inclusive space.
Clare Jacky, Minneapolis
Reid Mihalko has the unique ability to be able to take big, overwhelming things and show you how to break them down into smaller, manageable chunks. He is great at seeing and articulating a "third" option whenever I am stuck in an either/or situation. He has changed my life numerous times and anything new he is offering I want front row seats for 'cause I know it's gonna be good!
Monique Darling, teacher